Sunday, March 25, 2007

Media Watch / Jack Ruben not Happy with DomPost report

I was horrified to read the totally inaccurate article on page A6 of the Dompost Saturday March 24th . It omits the whole point of my resolution, and is seriously misleading.

1. Mr. Dickens left the council meeting on Wednesday night, before 8.00pm, and certainly prior to any discussion or debate on any of the important agenda items, including this one.

2. He phoned me Thursday morning saying he was doing a piece on the issue, and I went to great lengths to explain the reasons for my Resolution were twofold:
(i). To get rid of the pay differential between councillors, so as to bring to an end the current (perception of) 'patronage' which I and many others know exists, - not a new phenomena in politics!
(ii). If my amendment was accepted, it would save the ratepayers $47,255 dollars a year. This is vitally important.
(iii). I believed councillors were currently adequately paid, and needed to set an example that we too were prepared to 'tighten our belts', - not only those on lower or fixed incomes!.
(iv). As per my email to Mr, Dickens quoted below, I would act accordingly if my resolution was passed.

3. I suggested Mr Dickens speak to Ross Bly - the council officer responsible - who would explain the issues if he was unclear.

4. I emailed Mr. Dickens my clear undertaking as per the email below, which he totally ignored, and then proceeded to misquote me.

I do not know who briefed Mr Dickens from council, or even whether he spoke to Ross Bly, - but his article is factually incorrect and misleading. It leaves an entirely mischievous impression - I have already received comments!

At the very least the reporter should have heard the debate for himself, - and then drawn his own conclusions!

Jack Ruben

----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Ruben
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:29 PM
Ref our conversation this morning and to clarify. I said :

"If my amendment is accepted, I will donate the difference between my current wage and the new amended wage to charity".

This needs to be absolutely clear.




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