Sunday, May 11, 2008

Why I voted against Mayor Prendergast for Local Government New Zealand

The position of president of Local Government New Zealand is too important to be held by a peak oil denier. That is why I would not support Mayor Prendergast in her bid for the position. Peak oil is the most serious issue that we face on a local and global level. I made that clear while the Dompost reporter was recording proceedings. Furthermore, the mayor has shown nothing of the balancing qualities needed in a democratic role. Democracy is much bigger than one person getting their way. Majority rule is always to be balanced with minority protection and sharing the benefits.

Bryan Pepperell

Wellington City Councillor for Southern


Blogger The City is Ours said...

Ah democracy, here is what the dictionary tells us:

"A form of government in which the supreme power is exercised by the people, directly or indirectly through a system of representation involving free elections".

Winston Churchill's opinion, that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others, is widely shared, according to Geoffry Robertson.

Democracy is government conducted by representation freely and periodicly elected by adult citizens. Neither voters nor candidates may be disqualified by reference to status, race, or political party. Votes must be cast without intimmidation and counted under objective scrutiny.

A right to democracy may slowly be emerging in international law.

Could I please use my democratic right and inquire about the statement in regards to Miss Prendergast being a Peak-oil denier and where I may obtain a reference to this allegation.
Thank you councillor Pepperell for exercising yours on behalf of the people. I presume the Official Information Act would be the one for me then?

3:44 PM  

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