Thursday, May 04, 2006

Poll Tax by another name!

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Warwick Tayor talks to Sharon Clair at this
week's Water Forum. Warwick is extremely
concerned about the privatisation of water.
The WCC water charge is a poll tax by another

Ratepayers, did you know that the Wellington City Council is proposing to double the flat uniform charges that you pay for water and sewerage? At present the charges are $112.50 for sewerage and $112.50 for water (if you don't have a water meter). In its Draft Long Term Community Plan (Budget) the Council proposes to charge $225 for water (for those without a meter) $225 for sewerage for each property

There's More

The Council intends that within a few years residents, not business will pay most of the rates.
This is despite:

- many services provided by the Council (eg., roads, water, sewerage, and assistance to business) benefit business directly;
- services to residents also benefit business because most residents work for these businesses or are members of workers' families;
- over 40,000 people come into Wellington City each weekday from outside the City to work for these businesses.

How Will Residents Be Affected?

- Nearly all residents will pay more rates - rates on a property of average value are proposed
to rise 6.4% this year, nearly double the inflation rate.

- If you own a lower-valued property you will have a higher percentage increase (eg., 17% if your propety is worth $200,000 and it value increased by 10% in the last year).

- If you pay rent, it will no doubt go up.

What You Can Do

Phone, email or write to your local Councillors to tell them that you oppose the Draft Long
Term Community Plan.
Help circulate a petition against the Plan.
Contact the Residents' Coalition - phone Ron 934-2816 or Warwick 9344-626 or

For more information visit or

Oppose the Council's Draft Long Term Community Plan!

Authorised by Wellington Residents' Coalition Southern Branch, PO Box 6705, Wellington.


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