Monday, February 26, 2007

This year we got Mayoral Drive - We got a stuff up!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


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Media Watch / The Wellingtonian

From: "Jocelyn Brooks"
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: There ARE differences

While Ruth Gotlieb (letter in The Wellingtonian, February 15) is right
in saying that major differences between mayoral candidates do not
show upin the wording in the print media, there are important
differences as far as Bryan Pepperell is concerned. He has
consistently opposed increasing the residental share of rating while
decreasing that of business. In the last vote in Council on this those
voting against this rebalancing were: Bryan Pepperell, Jack Ruben,Stephanie Cook and Helene Ritchie.
Another important difference;Bryan Pepperell and Jack Ruben
have consistently supported the clearly and often expressed public
opposition to council funded development on the water front.
It would help residents to make electoral choices if differences like
this were exposed in the media.

Jocelyn Brooks
3/91 Austin StreetWellinton 6011
Phone 385 1936

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Working For The Big Dollar

Site of the old Maritime Building
Election 2004 saw a record low turnout with only 42 percent voting and so the rates switch from business to the residents continued.
This year you will have the opportunity to put a stop to this transfer of wealth from you to the big business dollar in the Central Business District . Your Vote can change how the Council rates bill affects you!
Bryan Pepperell

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In place of the Maritime Building we got this new building!

More of This !
Some of you will have forgotten what the maritime building was replaced with and some of you forgot to vote. With a 42 percent turnout at the last Council election we got more of this.

The local paper said we needed to be protected from the Wellington City Council. How right it was but it should have added we also needed to be protected from ourselves. It was all said after the horse had bolted. Some people added that the media were complicit with their silence before the election. Others said the media were pro developer and deniers of the "inconvenient truth" of climate change. What do you think?

To find out more about Bryan Pepperell try
and Google "Bryan Pepperell"
plus and

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In place of the Maritime Building we got this!

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Janita Craw / New Zealand's Early Childhood Educator

January 2007 Janita Craw / Pepptalk people

Janita Craw is, amongst other things, a leading light in the world of early childhood and brings to this subject a combination of experience and brilliant intellectual insight. She is the co-curator of several outstanding exhibitions on the subject of early childhood, modern art and culture.

Ms Craw is an outspoken opponent of the punitive New Zealand culture and smacking of children. There is strong evidence that the smacked child becomes the violent adult. Sartre argues that we are so shaped by our past choices and decisions that in the end we check-mate ourselves into an inescapable cubicle of thought and action. And so it is from childhood to adult, a flow of learned behaviour.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Pepptalk People

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Another Heritage building was lost in Election 2004

In 2004 only 42 percent of voters returned their ballot papers. Were you one of them? This year we have a chance to do something together. If you didn't vote in 2004 you can't really complain when things go wrong. This year you have a chance to make a difference. Put your pen and ballot paper where your mouth is, vote Bryan Pepperell for Mayor for social change!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Jack Ruben Responds

Jack with the girls at the Rolling Stones
Your excellent photographs of the destruction of our environment, hills, vegetation and city by ruthless, uncaring property speculators, aided and encouraged by their close pals and associates on council are horrifying. Those developers in Brooklyn, Cuba Street, the Waterfront, Wakefield Street plus others in Khandallah, Ngaio and elsewhere, should be named and shamed. Add to this list the scandal of the proposed Wine Bar on public park in Courtenay Place, and we have reason to change the current make-up of the council. "Watch this space" for more on the Wine Bar!
The mayor's "Inner Circle of Sycophants" on council must be removed off council at the next election, now only 8 months away.
If voters dont turn out in greater numbers than last time, they have only themselves to blame. We need gutsy honest people on council led by an honest mayor who will take back the city for the people, - and we know who this should be!

Keep up the excellent work, Pepp, you have many friends and supporters both inside and outside council. We only have to replace about 5 people on council, and the whole power base changes. We must elect new people with integrity, even if we may not agree on every issue.
I hope the voters will not be influenced by some of the current publicity seeking councillors, who only attend a few council meetings, disappear early having arrived late, and still parade themselves as good councillors. Yeah right!! Every ward has at least one, and they can and must be removed.

Jack Ruben

Mayor Prendergast leads by example in Island Bay Festival - Yeah Right

Feb 2007 Island Bay Festival sees Mayor Prendergast spending carbon credits. I guess the lure of the Bentley was just too much for the Mayor. Councillor Bryan Pepperell arrived on his bicycle. It was another case of a triumph of substance over style for Councillor Pepperell

why driving big cars is socially irresponsible

Council Elections 2007 / More of this?

Vote for a change in 2007

A reader of "pepptalk / Back To The Future"
has respended with these pictures!

What will happen in Election 2007 - More of this?

Feburary 2007 -click on picture to enlarge
The residents of Brooklyn looked on in horror as this sub-division began to unfold in front of them. However the outcome of the 2004 Wellington City Council Election mandated that developers could continue with business as usual. Even worse was the appalling turn out at the 2004 mail ballot where only forty two percent of those eligible cast a vote. Don't complain when such things happen near you if you don't participate in Election 2007.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What Happened in 2004?

Cuba Street Wellington -Feb 2007
In 2004 we had a chance to Reclaim our City but only 42 percent of those eligible to vote participated!
Did you Vote?

Council Elections are this year.

The future is in your hands this year.
Will you let developers go unchecked again?

Let's have a City for Us!

Reclaim our City

Look at this!

Remember this in 2004.....

Click on picture to enlarge

Feb 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Peak Oil Now Says Top Energy Investment Banker

Breaking News
One of the worlds top Energy Investment Bankers Matt Simmons argues that Peak Oil will be much more serious in the next few years than climate change. See interview by clicking on the link below.

video clip

Peter Sharpe talks about the possible solutions to Peak Oil-See comments


BACK TO THE FUTURE is the blog link on which is Bryan Pepperell's website . You Can also find him on /pepptalk and /pepptalk along with numerous references on Google