Monday, September 10, 2007

Dompost and Chamber of Commerce in pact against Pepperell's vision of a people friendly City

It was no surprise to read my reply to Charles Finny, Wellington Chamber of Commerce and others, in the 'points noted' section of today's (11 Sep) Dompost letters to the editor. It just so happened that his was also there. We can only surmise what the issue was with both parties. If we are to believe Finny, who is the chief spin doctor for Chamber of Commerce, the Dompost has been engaging in a bit of spin regarding an exchange between the Mr Finny and myself.

The real issue is an old battle between rich and poor. Charles Finny should be careful or he will be labelled the representative of the rich, who will do anything for the poor except get off their backs. For some time I have been saying New Zealand has the reputation of being the most business friendly country in the world. That was recognised by the World Bank and reported in the New York Times.

The obsession with money and business friendliness has done nothing to solve our pressing social problems or make us a safer society. What we now want is to become the most people friendly country in the world. Neither the Dompost nor Chamber of Commerce find this appealing. It is the most important issue in my Mayoral Campaign. Everything positive flows from this. I want Wellington to be known as the most people friendly capital in the world. It is not a new value as we have experienced such an ethos in our past. I have a living memory of better times, not a golden age but a more courteous and selfless society.
Bryan Pepperell
Authorised by Bryan Pepperell
37 Havelock Street


Blogger Peter Sharpe said...

I too share that memory.

There was a time when neighbours knew each other, cared about each other and had time to help when needed.
Thanks largely to Roger Douglas, Prebble (take your pick which one...),, New Zealand has become a nation of selfish bastards.
It is run by them, for them and to Hell with anyone else.
A look around any authority - whether it be local, regional or national will endorse this belief.

The cost of this societal decay can be seen every day. People unable or unwilling to act in the best interest of anyone other than themselves, without regard for any consequence to others.

The result?
More regulations, more rules, more legislation to 'correct' the problems rather than examining why this decline has occurred.
In the meantime, we have those in priviledged positions exploiting any and every situation and person they can to better their own end.

Usually, these are the most pious 'pillocks' of society, lauding their 'malevolence' over as many as they can, while blatantly lying through their teeth.

..sound familiar?

So, the Chamber of Comics and upper echelon of the City Management should take note...

The game is up!

..I'm reminded of a quote from an iconic 1969 film:
"A man went looking for America..and couldn't find it...
That time has arrived in New Zealand.

What will YOU do on Election day?

12:36 AM  

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