Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John Pilger Critical of Obama / Newstatesman

Recently I saw the film IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON. One of the astronauts reflected on how the Earth looked so fragile from the moon with its hostile landscape. The earth was a special and precious place. He drew the contrast between how the Earth appeared from the moon and how it was, with all its problems that needed to be solved.

There was a lesson to be learned from what the astronauts said about how they had been really lifted out of the Earth and the paradigms that dominate it's economic , social, and enviromental reality. In that sense both Obama and Pilger are doing pretty much as one would expect them to as men of Earth with feet of clay. Neither having much working insight into the realities of each others paradigms as practioners, but both men showing skill in their chosen professions. Would Pilger ever know how heavy lies the crown and the path that leads to it. Would Obama really see himself as others (Pilger) see him . It is a hard call for both men.

If Obama can make a new dominating myth, and a new paradigm to live by then we might get some valuable time on the long and tortuious march to our destiny. If this is not the answer you seek then perhaps this is the best there is to offer. Yes I forgot the astronaut who gave his life to the lord which may fit your bill also...Too simple? Then be satisfied with the never ending story of the sorrows of humanity.

Bryan Pepperell


New Zealand


Blogger The City is Ours said...

Here we go again DEMOCRACY lets not forget that guns are atill legal in the United States, there is nothing democratic about that.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY...............

It looks like Barack Obama is set for the Whitehouse with Hillary Clinton hard on his heels for the Vice-Presidency.

If, God forbid, something "undemocratic" was to happen to Barack Obama while in office Hillary would simply fill his very empty shoes as a VP would under those circumstances.
"Never under estimate the power of a woman" and remember most Americans are armed.RIP: John Lennon, Versaci, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy.............

3:51 AM  

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