Friday, June 08, 2007


Thinking there was political capital to be made in riding climate change Mayor Prendergast attempted to change the window dressing on her watch in the run up to the October election. Lolly water was liberally dispensed at this week's Strategy and Policy Committee. The Mayor of the Bypass and the promoter of the V8 car race now wanted to lay claim to a carbon neutral city. We could have an aspirational vision of carbon neutral but in her words "Peak Oil was shit". There is more oil than ever being discovered according to the Mayor, it was just taking two barrels of oil for every one extracted. What was the Mayor thinking when she said peak oil was shit? I was unable to reply as the Mayor had the last word according to standing orders. Perhaps the Mayor might like to have a public debate on the issue of Peak Oil? The Mayor and Councillors own cars ranging from BMWs and Mercedes to Japanese 4 wheel drives. One other councillor uses a bicycle but also has a 4x4 vehicle.

During the debate I suggested that Council start with its own backyard as there was a Council carpark full of carbon burners; so what was the council intending to do. I suggested that leading by example was a good way to start. I had come to the committee meeting on my bicycle and that meant one less car; there is even a sticker that said it on my bicycle. It had been given to me by car enthusiast Ray Ahipene-Mercer - he had brought it back from an Australian conference by a carbon burning jet. Don't get me wrong, I too have use cars but over the last ten years they have been progressively down sized and a motorcycle has been added. However there was something better than down sizing that had been added to the transport options - yes I had added the bicycle. I use it as often as possible and only a bicycle accident put an end to that option temporally. Six weeks later I'm back on my bicycle and wondering how serious this Council is when we see the councillor's car park that is under the Council Chamber full of carbon burners. Come to think of it Council management looks pretty much committed to carbon burners also. How will the community relate to this latest move by the carbon burning Mayor and Council?


Blogger Peter Sharpe said...


I heartily agree!
What in hell is wrong with this Mayor & Council!!??

I hate to say it but the woman appears to be a liar!!??

5:56 AM  
Blogger Dr John Robinson said...

Hi Bryan. The spin shows a wierd mind set. No big city can be carbon neutral. Any idea of moving in that direction would demand lots of calculations and reality. This provides a barn door target for us to attack this council. Regards, John

12:18 PM  
Blogger Derek Smythe said...

I'm absolutely amazed a so-called reputable public figure would sink so low.
How on Earth can the 'Mayor' - the supposed 'Head of the City' descend to foul language, with the obvious attitude of an Ostrich when it comes to World affairs and those which are effecting so many of us so badly?

Is this the sort of person we need to look to for leadership and forethought?

I think not.

You have my vote Bryan. Perhaps the 'Mayor' should go back to being a Nurse. After-all, the Health System's shot now, they'd hardly notice another walking disaster!

12:34 AM  

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