If Mr. Finny is to be believed - "The Chamber does not intend to endorse a particular candidate or group of candidates."-
He is apparently either telling lies.... or incredibly stupid. Wellington Ratepayers are NOT!
By naming Councillors who share the 'Right of Centre' views (to use the Politically Correct jargon) the Chamber of Commerce purports, he is effectively endorsing those candidates.
Wellington will continue to be a good place to do business. This can only be further enhanced if it's Ratepayers are able to afford the Goods and Services hawked by the Chamber's members. Should the Residential Ratepayer be cripppled by continued unjustified Rates increases, they will not.
Perhaps it is time to remind Messers Finny, et.al, residential ratepayers are unable to claim their rates burden as a business expense. In addition, the last time I looked my home had one (1) toilet not several hundred as enjoyed by the larger Hotels and tourist 'Meccas' the current Council seems hell-bent on supporting - at all cost! Why should I subsidise these businesses? - Simply...I should NOT!
My heart bleeds for the likes of the Chamber's members. They have enjoyed a charmed life, with their every whim entertained by the current Mayor and her right-wing cronies, at the expense of Wellington's Residents. Have a look at the balloning debt forecast to hit Ratepayers during the next 5-10 years.
More Residential Ratepayer services have been cut during the current Mayor's reign than ever before!
It's about time Wellington's residential Ratepayers had a fair go.
The Council is there to collect Rates and provide services to the Ratepayer. Not to collect Rates and set-up as a Venture Capital Bank pandering to big business, issuing interest - free loans to private developers. The proposed Marine Centre is a case in point.
Any Mayoral candidate wishing to moderate the slithering slide started during the current encumbent's reign is worth supporting.
Peter Sharpe